No fewer than 20 wedding guests yesterday cheated death after the bus conveying them had a ghastly accident at the Fiwasaye dew roundabout in Akure the Ondo state capital.

The accident occurred while the bus driver on top speed was trying to negotiate the roundabout leading to the Seven Days Adventist Church hall, along Oba Ile road,  just few meters from the scene.

While the bus also by whiskers did not tumble into a gully by the roadside, it however landed on its side by the road kerb.

Many of the passgners including a complete family of three sustained varying degree of injuries and were rushed to a nearby hospital.

One of the passengers, Gbadamosi Sunday in a chat with www.orangefm.com.ng accused the driver of overspeeding and expressed gratitude to God that nobody died in the incident.

Men of the Ondo Police Command from Ijapo police station later visited the scene to supervise rescue operations and evacuation of the bus  to their station.

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