African Man Hanged & Roasted Alive In Libya (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

Wait this thing they say Arabs in Libya are doing to Sub-Saharan Africans is getting too real. Already there are photos and videos circulating on the internet showing Africans including Ghanaians and Nigerians in chains and been locked up and even sold as slaves.

Now this Africans are only looking for a transit point to Europe, but instead they get tortured, sold into slavery, mutilated, work them to death or even murder them. Now a photo is been circulated of an African man been roasted alive just like a goat. This is beyond sad.

Heard Cameroonian footballer Eto has just purchased 10,000 flight tickets for Cameroonians stranded in Lybia to come home.

But wait, there’s another angle to this, some are saying it’s just a conspiracy between the Arabs and the Europeans to stop Africans from coming to their Land. If it is true that it is a conspiracy it just shows they don’t want Africans, and do you blame them? OMG! Who do we blame if not Afican leaders. Honestly, if African countries are comfortable, why will anyone leave his father’s land to go and live with strangers, when it is not that you are going for vacation or just sight seeing. I’m just speechless and SAD. That’s a human being for God’s sake.

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